The Karmic Journal RSS

MATCHA the next "IT" Beverage

We all know the amazing benefits of the glorious GREEN TEA! And up until that point no-one questions much, then, we noticed that lots of people were talking more and more about that next “it” drink: MATCHA. Then we find ourselves between two crowds the ones that LOVE it and the ones that have no clue what it is. And we know how hard it is to explain. Have a friend asked you before?: “So what’s Matcha?” and then you just stay in shock because you know is “good and healthy” and “is related to green tea” but that is about it! Well, we want to take some time to explain what Matcha is, and why you should be drinking...

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Brewing Bliss: Our Craft Beer Selection

This is Texas, land of beer lovers. Beer is definitely part of our culture: We enjoy it while gathering with friends, on a hot summer afternoon as a refreshment beverage, or casually after a long day at work. ‘Cause let’s be honest, there will always be space for a good cold glass of beer. Today’s Karmic Journal is all about exploring everything there is to talk about one of the most popular drinks in the world: BEER. Why do we serve beer, what kind, and how, and in our humble opinion, how you should be enjoying this amazing beverage.  Texas is a special place to be delighted by beer. The appreciation for craft, artisan or alternative beers is significantly  growing. Last...

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Now serving Breakfast Tacos from Tacodeli!

Good food is the fuel of a healthy life! So today we are going to present a way for you to eat good while on-the-go, starting with your first and most important meal of the day, breakfast! So get your tortilla ready because we are about to rock your taco.If you are new here. Welcome to The Karmic Journal! By following our journal you’ll not only be up-to-date on everything that happens at our coffee studio but also learn more about coffee, cool recipes and what’s happening in our local North-Dallas community. Well - enough about us! Today we want to showcase our newest addition to our quick bites, Breakfast Tacos! And not just any kind of tacos, we are...

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Let's get the most out of your coffee maker!

In the last few years, coffee professionals are recognizing that new automatic consumer coffee makers are not that bad. Though not as good as professional ones, when it comes to get perfect brewers, you would be hard pressed to get better results with a pour-over.   With that in mind, even with the right equipment, getting the best results out of your coffee maker requires a little care. Let’s go over some of the things we know are important and essential so get the most out of your coffee maker at home.   The right Coffee recipe: The Specialty Coffee Association recommends 60 grams of coffee to 1 liter of brew water for optimal results, if you stick to this...

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A Guide to Brewing

Sometimes you find your self stuck at the office for long periods of times, or simply you just want to have a nice cup of coffee at home in a cozy afternoon. You could even be stuck at a Hotel in the middle of Montana with nothing but an AeroPress and a bag of coffee, then, what do you do? We have put together the perfect guide with a step-by-step process on how to brew your coffee to matter the scenario you happen to end up at. The Perfect ICED COFFEE Summertime is here! And in Texas it gets hot! Iced coffee, at least for us, saves our days. So let us give you all the tips and secrets to brew a...

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